Researchers from the cybersecurity firm ESET have discovered a serious security vulnerability within the Telegram application that is available to Android devices. The vulnerability, which is referred to as an “zero-day exploit,” allows attackers to distribute malware-laden files disguised as normal video files via Telegram chats. It’s been dubbed “EvilVideo,” this exploit was found in a forum that was underground in June 2024.
How the “EvilVideo” Exploit Works
“EvilVideo” exploit “EvilVideo” exploit enables hackers to share hazardous files disguised as harmless 30 seconds videos. The files are distributed via Telegram groups, channels and private conversations. In general, when people receive videos through Telegram the files are immediately downloaded when the option is turned on. In the end, the malware-infected file downloads immediately after the person starts the chat. This technique of exploit utilizes the automatic download function, which makes it simpler for malicious virus to get into the device.
ESET researcher Lukas Stefanko and his team stumbled upon this vulnerability while observing hidden forums on the internet. They came across a vendor demonstrating its capabilities on an open Telegram channel. ESET later accessed the channel and downloaded the malicious software to try. The tests confirmed that the vulnerability affected earlier versions of Telegram particularly prior to version 10.14.5. The attackers took advantage of Telegram API Telegram API, a tool used by developers to build and upload content that disguises malicious files as video. If users tried to watch”video, “video,” Telegram would warn of playback problems and recommend together an alternative app. This could lead to the download of an ad-ware application, in the event that the user followed through.
Telegram’s Response and Fix
ESET identified the problem the 26th of June, 2024 immediately notified Telegram. Initially the response was non-existent. But, following a subsequent notification on July 4th, Telegram responded swiftly and started investigating. The problem was solved through the introduction of a brand new version 10.14.5 that was released on the day of July 11th and 2024. This update makes sure that users won’t be exposed to the exploit when they upgrade their application.
In order to assure security for users, Telegram released a patch within the newest update version 10.14.5. The update fixes the security issue in the application’s handling of video files as well as increasing the security measures associated to file downloads. Telegram offered instructions on their blog about how users can upgrade their apps manually in the event that automatic updates aren’t activated.
How to Stay Safe
Protecting yourself from these types of attacks requires regular update and a careful approach. Here are some guidelines to benefit ensure your security:
- Update frequently: Always keep your applications up-to-date to the most recent version. The developers are constantly patching vulnerabilities as well as updating to warrant you’ve got the most recent security enhancements.
- disable auto-download: Consider disabling the auto-download option to download media files from messaging applications. You have control over the material that is downloaded onto your device.
- Be cautious with links or Files: Avoid opening URLs or downloading data from untrusted sources. Although the source is reputable, it’s preferential to check the material before engaging with it.
- Set up Security Features: Use the security options available within your apps for messaging and on devices including two-factor authentication, as well as routine security checks.
- Be informed: Follow credible sources such as ESET Research and for news on security threats and the perfect ways to combat the threat.
ESET’s Role and Recommendations
ESET had a major role in identifying and dealing with this “EvilVideo” exploit. Their proactive monitoring of online forums for suspicious files played a key role in identifying the flaw. The ESET’s comprehensive analysis of the vulnerability, published on their website entitled “Cursed tapes: Exploiting the EvilVideo vulnerability in Telegram for Android,” offers extensive information on the nature of the attack and measures taken to reduce the threat. ESET is also continuing to offer information on updates to the Twitter account (now known as X) to keep users informed of current cybersecurity risks and the solutions.
Implications of the Exploit
“EvilVideo” vulnerability “EvilVideo” exploit posed a grave threat to users by luring them into downloading dangerous files just through using chat. This vulnerability highlights the significance for security features that serve a solid foundation for popular apps. Chat apps, due to their popularity and trust that their users place on them, are the top target for hackers. This event serves as an example of the ongoing security measures required to guard your personal data and warrant the integrity of devices.
With the swift steps taken by ESET and Telegram The “EvilVideo” vulnerability has been fixed in the most recent app update. The users are urged to upgrade their Telegram application up to 10.14.5 or higher to assure they’re secure from this attack. Continuous updates and a cautious approach is essential to stay safe against such dangers. Following the advice given and being aware of the most recent security advancements the users will enjoy more secure digital experiences.